surprise inside

I like to think that I’m a very practical, level headed person. I’m not prone to swooning, fanatical adoration of anyone unless you count Michael Jackson late 80s and early 90s. (ok i admit… I still love him) But hell may have just experienced a cold front. You see I’ve developed a fascination for Andrei Herasimchuk of Design By Fire that borders on groupie type hero-worship.

The weird thing is I can’t really put my finger on why, possibly because there are so many um… well possibilities. Just go check him out. Be sure not to miss Design Eye for the Usability Guy.

< side note > If by some stroke of weirdness, the above ever reads this entry please note that by groupie type hero-worship I mean the kind that is flattering and none offensive…. not the scary stalkerish kind. No crazy people here… heh heh… kay? thanks. < /side note >

I was a little bummed when I googled sparklit. Although I come up as the 12th result, some survey generation type tool has the first 11 hits. On the other hand if you google sparkalyn it’s all me baby. It’s a nice feeling to have something thus far unique in the mass existance of googlehood.

Speaking of google…. Many thanks to Sam & Alaina for the Gmail invite. Especially Alaina since it was your invite. ‘preciate it guys 😀
And Sam… about that uber yahoo replacing web application thing for ASIT… consider yourself 2 bucks closer.

You, my adoring fans, can now send emails to sunshinelewis [at] Sunshine was taken but that’s not a big surprise (I bet sparkalyn wasn’t… I should have checked)

I’ve been itching to do some personal projects for a while now. I want to attempt to reach Zen-ity. My bookmarks are so out of control I’ve given up attempting favorites organization. Whenever I add one I just stick it at the bottom of an ever growing list and pray I can find it later. I need to develop something (anything) for the root of my domain. I want it to be my portfolio / freelance info / web guru blog. But I also want it to be perfect. We all know the deal with perfection which is why there is nothing there. Jordan, I haven’t forgotten about our project either although it has done a little mental morphage.

Oh yea… and I was pretty pysched that I managed to install AW Stats and get it doing what I wanted to do with a minimum of frustration. Not that it was actually hard at all but the documentation assumes that you’re a web server admin which only happens in my dreams. Nothing a couple hours swearing didn’t solve.

I’m waiting on feedback for the Embracing Life redesign. The Lu & Charlie’s redesign has been approved (finally) and is getting it’s content massaged so I can start coding. Hopefully when I finish this latest round of *cough*demands*cough* I can go back to lazing around on the couch all day and neglecting my personal projects in a different way. Oh and I threw together a little spidey-liscious graphical enhancement and copyright infringement as a belated birthday/christmas present for a freind. If it weren’t for MJ just ruining the picture I might like it and turn it into my desktop.. 😀 Anywho. You’ll hear about all of this again when it gets done.

I have some pictures of Hailey and her parents from the christening… Note to self: add a photo album sometime in the next millenium.

Here’s to 10am meetings on work you haven’t finished.

ghastlier than a thousand ghouls

I’ve been chastised by mr. popular for not updating. So I’m updating to let you know that an update is coming. What a waste of server space. Possibly this is why in all the years I’ve been an internet junkie I’ve not had a blog until now. Actually, that’s exactly why.

Anywho. BBQ at Favenzio’s. It was fun. Funny too. AND I got to see dan Jumbo from the comfort of Favenzio’s cushy chair. Score. I’m sleepy now and theres smoke in my eyes.

Prepare yourselves for a post on either Hot Male Designers fromTLC: An in depth study, The Daily Surf: Where I Go When I Get Bored, or something on web standards or coding or validating… since everyone else is talking about it… I could put my two cents in. Or pull a Meyer

It occurred to me that I shouldn’t use things (mt pings) when I’m not 100% certain what they are. It IS after midnight though so I forgive myself. I only hope that all affected parties will as well.

Here’s to none of my titles making any sense in relation to their posts.

Stormy weather

I went home for the memorial day weekend. It was a last minute decision spurred by the fact that Hailey was being christened and I would be the worst auntie in the world if I didn’t pay the 61 dollars round trip for the first Greyhound home.

The ceremony (my first) lasted all of 20 minutes. The actual moment of truth was obscured by the priest standing in my line of sight. The object of all the attention slept through the entire event, apparently un phased by her brush with eternal damnation. That’s my monkey girl.
Continue reading Stormy weather