I’ve been chastised by mr. popular for not updating. So I’m updating to let you know that an update is coming. What a waste of server space. Possibly this is why in all the years I’ve been an internet junkie I’ve not had a blog until now. Actually, that’s exactly why.
Anywho. BBQ at Favenzio’s. It was fun. Funny too. AND I got to see dan Jumbo from the comfort of Favenzio’s cushy chair. Score. I’m sleepy now and theres smoke in my eyes.
Prepare yourselves for a post on either Hot Male Designers fromTLC: An in depth study, The Daily Surf: Where I Go When I Get Bored, or something on web standards or coding or validating… since everyone else is talking about it… I could put my two cents in. Or pull a Meyer
It occurred to me that I shouldn’t use things (mt pings) when I’m not 100% certain what they are. It IS after midnight though so I forgive myself. I only hope that all affected parties will as well.
Here’s to none of my titles making any sense in relation to their posts.
They are fun titles to read though. Did I mention I have gmail?
I’ll ignore your bragging if you’ll help me install awstats… without modifying the httpd thingy 😀
Who won the poker last night?