I am very, very angry. If I were less of a geek and if my poetry didn’t suck lima beans I would write a poem expressing my anger. Since I’m not and it does here’s my version.
if isAngry(sunshine) AND reason == 'helpless' {
if isAble('sunshine')
if notBroke('sunshine')
if isConnected('sunshine')
spreadWord('solicit', 'all');
if(anger > normal)
throwSomething('sunshine', 'tv', 'offBalcony');
beatSomething('sunshine', 'anything', 'bloodypulp');
Now I know what you’re thinking… a value of bloodypulp can’t be a good for anyone. You’re absolutely right. Good news is that the expedition to Mobile to do disaster relief for the next three weekends is full. Better news is that you can go to VolunteerLeon to sign up to hear about other such efforts or needs.
FSU has some other tips for the FSU community about how we (they) are trying to help. Check the homepage for the Hurricane Relief Effort Link under news. For example, if you’re going to the game this weekend you can take your spare cash and give it to the Red Cross volunteers that will be collecting stuff.
You can also do normal style donations to the Red Cross if the mood hits you. If you can’t give cash stay away from the Red Cross. There may be other organizations that take non-cash donations and have the manpower to process these donations and get them where they need to be but the RC isn’t having it. I don’t know of these places (beyond the normal email forward type stuff) and I can’t vouch for them so I’m not listing them. I’m sure Google and the news sites are teeming with links to charitable orgs that want to help.
In the lovely bit of code up top you’ll notice that donating money doesn’t actually decrease anger. That’s because it doesn’t make me feel anymore helpful. I’m a hands on type of girl and New Orleans is MY city so if you have some suggestions on how I can avoid getting to the bloody pulp stage I would love to hear it.