Every year Veteran Mas N Steel members choose honorary pan names for freshman members. It originally started after the style of such calypsonians as Lord Kitchener and The Mighty Sparrow but it has since morphed into something completely unique and often hilarious.
Name origins range from playful commentary about your personal attributes or habits (such as Peachfuzz, Gunshow and Mrs. Mike Catania) to your skills (Lord Iron) to various plays on your name(Jshorty, Sing Bran Don). And if you say anything even remotely memorable during the semester it’s sure to work it’s way into your moniker… as in the case of 9 inch banana bass, and sweetums(which must be said with a pirate voice and hooked finger)
But this year (Spring 2006) I would like to extend the prize of best pan-name ever to the new Brazedacuse (pronounced bruh-zedda-cues) Howler, The New Age Monkey
Congrats also to Sean Pan Diddy, Lady Wynx(en?), Pangea, and [various dance movements and gestures] Ross!(or interpretive dance project Ross! for short)
So if someone had to choose a nickname for you based only on casual conversation and visible personal attributes… what do you think it would be?
The best.
how could I forget… obviously the best is the best by definition. 😀